samedi 29 novembre 2014
vendredi 28 novembre 2014
Première journée de ski
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Martin Giroux What an amazing time we all had. It's fun to see kids actually excited about jumping in a car for 1.25 hours just to go skiing. Really cool! |
jeudi 27 novembre 2014
mercredi 26 novembre 2014
lundi 24 novembre 2014
dimanche 23 novembre 2014
Seth Hubbard is a wealthy man dying of lung cancer. He trusts no one. Before he hangs himself from a sycamore tree, Hubbard leaves a new, handwritten, will. It is an act that drags his adult children, his black maid, and Jake into a conflict as riveting and dramatic as the murder trial that made Brigance one of Ford County's most notorious citizens, just three years earlier.
The second will raises far more questions than it answers. Why would Hubbard leave nearly all of his fortune to his maid? Had chemotherapy and painkillers affected his ability to think clearly? And what does it all have to do with a piece of land once known as Sycamore Row?
pages 591
The second will raises far more questions than it answers. Why would Hubbard leave nearly all of his fortune to his maid? Had chemotherapy and painkillers affected his ability to think clearly? And what does it all have to do with a piece of land once known as Sycamore Row?
pages 591
samedi 22 novembre 2014
Vitrine de Noel chez Ogilvy
Les automates m'ont toujours fascinée!
Les vitrines mécaniques de Noël font partie de la tradition de Ogilvy et de Montréal depuis 1947 quand la première de ces spectaculaires devantures, fabriquées par Steiff Co., fut importée d’Allemagne. Plus d’une centaine de pièces mobiles mettent en vedette une myriade d’animaux de peluche faits à la main et des paysages enchanteurs remplissent les vitrines des rues Sainte-Catherine et de la Montagne.
Ces paysages illustrent les aspects traditionnels de Noël. « Le Moulin dans la forêt » et « Le Village Enchanté ». Chaque année, ils attirent les Montréalais et les visiteurs qui désirent échapper à la frénésie de la saison des Fêtes et venir tout simplement admirer ces magnifiques maquettes.-
Les vitrines mécaniques de Noël font partie de la tradition de Ogilvy et de Montréal depuis 1947 quand la première de ces spectaculaires devantures, fabriquées par Steiff Co., fut importée d’Allemagne. Plus d’une centaine de pièces mobiles mettent en vedette une myriade d’animaux de peluche faits à la main et des paysages enchanteurs remplissent les vitrines des rues Sainte-Catherine et de la Montagne.
Ces paysages illustrent les aspects traditionnels de Noël. « Le Moulin dans la forêt » et « Le Village Enchanté ». Chaque année, ils attirent les Montréalais et les visiteurs qui désirent échapper à la frénésie de la saison des Fêtes et venir tout simplement admirer ces magnifiques maquettes.-
mercredi 19 novembre 2014
Six feet of snow plopped onto the grounds of Stanley Park in Vancouver would literally cover a large fraction of the tourists who visit each year. It would be wise to avoid expansive parks during a freak storm, because even the beautiful things you are there to see will be shrouded in icy cold powder. (Like, your friends and family, for example.) Images: CP/Thinkstock
While these renderings aren’t entirely scientific (they are a little, but we didn’t call a snow scientist), they really give you a good idea of what it could be like. But here are photos of what actually happened in Buffalo
Meridy Dresden was once a free-spirited, fun-loving girl.All that changed when the boy she loved was killed in a tragic fire. Now, years later, Meridy must return to the South Carolina Low Country and summon the courage to make a decision that may destroy everything she's worked so hard to protect-including her heart.
mardi 18 novembre 2014
Birds are getting drunk and passing out over Yukon!
Friends, don’t drink and fly.
Birds are having a bit of trouble holding their liquor in the Yukon. As the cold weather approaches, Bohemian waxwings are busy stuffing their faces full of mountain ash berries in preparation to wait out the frosty season. But the declining temperatures are affecting the bird’s favourite snack in a way you’d never expect.“What happens around this time of year is that after the frost, the berries will ferment and so the birds actually can get a little intoxicated from eating these berries and they do in fact get drunk,” Meghan Larivee with the animal health unit at Environment Yukon told the CBC.
A “little intoxicated” is probably an understatement. The alcohol makes the birds’ flight patterns a little wonky, and they’ve begun crashing into windows and other objects. As a solution, Environment Yukon set up an avian drunk tank to help the birds sober up. Residents are even being encouraged to pick up any drunk or unconscious birds they find and bring them in so the animals can ride out what’s sure to be a nasty hangover.
And for any birds that require a little extra care, they’re sent to a rehab (we’re not kidding) at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve.
Never. Drinking. Again.
vendredi 14 novembre 2014
He's the one who got away.The cowboy who claimed her heart before taking off on a tour of duty, planning never to return. But Beau Tyler is back, and Natalie Haskell feels defenseless against the powerful pull of the brawny soldier. Especially when she finds herself suddenly widowed and needing the shelter of his strong arms.
She's the hometown sweetheart.
The girl Beau left behind but never forgot, despite his battle-scarred soul. Now Natalie is the real reason he's staying on at the ranch, despite rumors that he was somehow involved in her late husband's death. Because something in Beau has stirred to life again—something he believed his painful past had destroyed. And not even wild horses can keep him from the woman he still loves.
She's the hometown sweetheart.
The girl Beau left behind but never forgot, despite his battle-scarred soul. Now Natalie is the real reason he's staying on at the ranch, despite rumors that he was somehow involved in her late husband's death. Because something in Beau has stirred to life again—something he believed his painful past had destroyed. And not even wild horses can keep him from the woman he still loves.
jeudi 13 novembre 2014
mercredi 12 novembre 2014
mardi 11 novembre 2014
When the father she never knew dies and leaves her a gold mine, recently divorced Maggie Stevens heads for the remote community of Eureka, Colorado to claim her inheritance and to solve the mystery of the man who abandoned the family when Maggie was only three days old. She hopes time in the mountains will help her figure out what to do now that life hasn’t worked out the way she planned. In Eureka, Maggie meets a number of people who touch her life in different ways: bitter librarian Cassie Wynock, who clings to her pride in her family’s past, while mourning her secret love affair with Maggie’s father; town mayor Lucille Theriot, who’s trying to figure out how to heal old wounds with the wayward daughter and grandson who have moved in with her; and Jameso Clark, whose love-hate relationship with her father intrigues Maggie, and whose attraction for her she finds both frightening and exhilarating. As Maggie confronts the sins of her father and the mistakes of her own past, she learns to look at life differently, and discovers it can take a village – or one small mountain town – to heal a heart.
dimanche 9 novembre 2014
samedi 8 novembre 2014
« La boîte de Pandore »
La 'véritable' boîte de Pandore nous vient de la Mythologie gréco-romaine. Les deux frères Prométhée et Epiméthée, qui étaient des Titans, furent chargés par Zeus de créer les hommes, ce qu'ils firent. Mais Prométhée, ému par la nudité de ses créatures (qui, du coup, se caillaient méchant), vola le feu aux dieux, apprit aux hommes à s'en servir et s'installa parmi eux. Zeus, plus que furax, jura de se venger de Prométhée. Il demanda alors à Héphaistos de créer une femme identique à une déesse (et qui deviendra donc la première femme), munie de tous les attributs qui vont bien avec, c'est-à-dire beauté et habileté, ce à quoi Hermès ajouta aussi d'autres traits de caractère habituels chez la femme, comme la ruse, la fourberie, la paresse, la méchanceté, la sottise, la parole enjôleuse et trompeuse, auxquelles il ajouta, pour faire bon poids, une curiosité sans bornes Pandore fut alors envoyée chez les deux Titans, munie d'un beau récipient (ou jarre ou boîte, selon les versions) offert par Zeus à destination de son futur époux et renfermant un paquet de maux parmi lesquelles on trouvait la vieillesse, la maladie, le chagrin, la folie, le vice ou la famine, tous inconnus des Hommes (avec un H majuscule vu qu'il y a maintenant aussi une femme dans l'affaire). Ce récipient contenait également un petit bonus d'une autre catégorie, l'espérance. Malgré les nombreuses réticences de Prométhée, Epiméthée se laissa subjuguer et épousa aussi sec Pandore qui, bien entendu, avait eu l'interdiction absolue d'ouvrir le récipient. Mais à cause de son insatiable curiosité, elle profita un jour de l'absence d'Epiméthée pour ouvrir la boîte dont tous les maux s'échappèrent et se répandirent sur l'humanité. Au fond de la boîte, il ne restait plus que l'espérance qui finit aussi par sortir, et heureusement, car sans elle l'Homme aurait eu bien du mal à supporter tout le reste. |
At the age of 29, Sydney has already been once divorced and once widowed. Trying to regain her footing once again, she has answered an ad to tutor the teenage daughter of a well-to-do couple as they spend a sultry summer in their oceanfront New Hampshire cottage.
But when the Edwards' two grown sons, Ben and Jeff, arrive at the beach house, Sydney finds herself caught up in a destructive web of old tensions and bitter divisions. As the brothers vie for her affections, the fragile existence Sydney has rebuilt for herself is threatened. With the subtle wit, lyrical language, and brilliant insight into the human heart that has led her to be called "an author at one with her métier" (Miami Herald), Shreve weaves a novel about marriage, family, and the supreme courage that it takes to love.
But when the Edwards' two grown sons, Ben and Jeff, arrive at the beach house, Sydney finds herself caught up in a destructive web of old tensions and bitter divisions. As the brothers vie for her affections, the fragile existence Sydney has rebuilt for herself is threatened. With the subtle wit, lyrical language, and brilliant insight into the human heart that has led her to be called "an author at one with her métier" (Miami Herald), Shreve weaves a novel about marriage, family, and the supreme courage that it takes to love.
vendredi 7 novembre 2014
mardi 4 novembre 2014
Paediatrician Lorrie Ryan has been looking forward to camping with her seven-year-old nephew, Davey. It's a chance to let the fragile, sheltered boy spend time away from his nervous, overprotective parents, and have the adventure he's always wanted. But in the lush, verdant woods, Lorrie never imagines they are not alone...or that their idyllic trip will soon become a chilling nightmare of survival...In one terrifying moment, Davey disappears. The local police find no trace of him, and a desperate Lorrie turns to the one man who can help-FBI agent Stuart Saunders. Now, the hunt is on for a child growing weaker by the minute...and a cruel predator whose twisted game of cat-and-mouse has only just begun...
dimanche 2 novembre 2014
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