samedi 13 juillet 2013

Feu, Feu, Joli Feu.....
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Magnifique journée pour faire de la voile!
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Patrouille nautique aujourd'hui sur le lac Brome

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''Legal Sea Food -- Used to be the best fish restaurant but has been McDonaldlized
The food was ok to good, but the experience interesting as this is one very old restaurant where you can see 100s of pictures of stars with the owner. Some sort of landmark. We had a real nice time.''


The Institute of Comtemporary Art
Eating some good Mexican food. Sabrina studying our next event.
The nice thing about having the mall beside us is that we didn't have to drive an hour to go to an outlet. After the shopping it was time to prepare for our meal at Anthony's Pier 4. We walked around downtown before our meal.
Wouldn't like to meet this puppy in the forest...
''Then it was time for lunch which we did at the mall that's connected to our hotel. Then it was time for some good ole shopping''
Smile for the flash..
Ditto for that moon
Next we went to see the excellent Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit, with real artifacts and scrolls we couldn't unfortunately photograph. Still quite cool. Mathieu got bored quickly so I went to try a simulator with him while the girls continued in the exhibit
Great movie
We went through a few exhibits afterwards before going for lunch...


Boston's famous Duck Tours.
I just love this tub.
Afterwards we went to see the excellent Rocky Mountain Express iMax film depicted the story on how Canada was precariously built by linking British Columbia to the other provinces with a train line. What these men accomplished was nothing short of Herculean.
Really Cool.
I want a globe like that but a bit smaller
One of the halls.
Real size capsule

Boston Museum of Science

No need to cross the street -- Suzanne's secret passage
We woke up relatively late and went to have breakfast at the hotel's restaurant. The food tasted nice, for a change. After that it was time to go to our main destination, the Boston Museum of Science to renew our membership and do some visiting .
We got tickets to go see an iMax show but beforehand went through some of the exhibits.